Temperature monitoring
Temperature monitoring equipment is available to purchase from Ashtead Technology.
As part of our gold channel partnership with TSI Instruments, the TSI QUESTemp Heat Stress monitors are available for occupational applications. The units are capable of monitoring temperature, relative humidity and Wet Bulb Global Temperature (WGBT) – indoor & outdoor. Models include 32/34/36 (traditional wet bulb) and 44/46/48N (waterless wet bulb).
To support with mass body temperature screening, the SeSys Thermo-Vision Temperature Screener is available to purchase from Ashtead Technology. The Thermo-Vision quickly measures an individual’s forehead and inner-canthus to determine the body’s core temperature and is ideal for large workplaces and areas with high footfall.
We also have an agreement in place with Freeland Scientific to sell their range of smarTprobe Wireless Temperature Probes. Designed to support with compliance testing on waste stockpiles, the smarTprobes offer a remote monitoring solution to ensure safe temperature levels are not exceeded.
More information on the temperature monitoring equipment available to purchase is listed below. Alternatively, please call our office on +44 (0)1462 679 020 or email london@ashtead-technology.com to speak to a member of our team.